
Amazing Noni "Apatot" Plant

Noni Plant (Apatot in Tagalog) is a plant what we call in the Phillipines for Nonu, Nono, or Noni which has become popular for years ago in treating ailments and disorders in the body. People in our place who’ve been using it called it as a “miracle plant” as they testified that they have been cured from their illness.

Back in year 2000, one of our staff from vacation in Leyte told me that her mother, who suffered from acute arthritis which she could hardly walk has been cured by the treatment of Noni or Apatot juice. He said Noni juice is very popular in their town because many were cured from any ailments even without a doctor medication or buying medicines from the drugstores.

On that time here in our place, South Cotabato, Apatot also became popular. In fact, it was sold and grabbed by many in the market -- from roots to barks, twigs, leaves and fruits. The barks were sold in pack and used as a tea by boiling it with water. The matured fruits were sold at P150.00 – P200.00 per kilo and even the young ones were sold out at a lower price. As most people using it, matured fruits are ripened and smashed into a puree and the juice is extracted through a cloth. The young ones are boiled and also taken as a tea. The twigs were sold at P10.00 for making use of it anyhow. But mine, as I am a user of natural medicines,  I tried planting it, praying it would grow someday.  The twigs grew up and became a big tree. By year 2002, I started picking up the ripe fruits fallen on the ground day to day. I used to wash it clean and stock in a glass pitcher then refrigerate. When it produces juice I take a spoonful from it during bedtime. I tested it for myself observing how it affects my body glands. There is a frequent urinating, feeling of warmth and excessive perspiration. The first month I took it regularly, pimples and acne appeared and spread over my face and then gone. The pain I was suffering in my leg also gone.  As I intake it continuously increasing 2 tablespoons a day (1 tablespoon in the morning and one at bedtime), my menstrual disorder was relieved to normal and there was no more dysmenorrhea.  What was surprising is that my sexual deficiency since I got married was aided as if there was always a feeling of excitement in sex. How amusing to realized that I exactly enjoyed sex at the age of 42? (LOL!).. I never have told this to anyone even to my husband until I am confident that it really cures illness and safe to use. Yes, I firmly believe in the effectiveness of pure Apatot juice- the how it affects the glands of the body, giving them what they need to promote health. It’s really an incredible immune system builder.. and has strong anti-toxin properties, too!

My husband would not believe it! He hates the smell of ripe Apatot fruit and he even warned me not to store it in the refrigerator. But when he suffered from painful rheumatism that his physician could hardly aid it, he secretly tried for a spoonful of the pure juice each day. I laughed at him when I caught him on the act because he swore not to try it when he confronted me before. His illness completely cured by just taking a spoonful of pure juice during bedtime and morning. We both became a regular user of Apatot juice. I also use to add it to juice drinks for my children.

Clinics, hospitals and drugstores at that time lack patients and customers because people were only relying on the effectiveness of the Apatot. This maybe the reason why Apatot or Noni was banned claiming that it is dangerous to health and that will possibly cause to death. I don’t believe it! I think they’re just making bad stories against it because as far as I know, according to the history, Apatot has been used as a food source of Polynesians and became a staple food choice in times of famine to sustain strength. So whatever people say or how they banned Apatot, we remain using it until now. I think more than ten years of using it is enough to prove that it is safe to use."

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